Where there is shadow, there must also be light. Just as you can turn this well-known adage around, you should also look at the discussion surrounding the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market. Following the current discussion, we recently just looked at which professions are potentially at risk from the AI revolution. However, it is often forgotten that such fundamental innovations also create new jobs. After all, who would have thought, for example, that the invention of the car would eventually make the job of professional driver possible? Many former coachmen certainly did not expect to find a new job here at the time. So let’s take a look at what options are opening up from today’s perspective.

  1. AI Trainers
    The AI Trainer is a position that helps train, calibrate, and evaluate the performance of AI systems, usually machine learning models. This role is particularly important to ensure that AI models are functioning correctly and performing their intended tasks efficiently.

  2. AI Ethikers
    An AI Ethicist is someone who addresses the ethical implications of AI development and implementation. This includes a wide range of topics, from fairness and discrimination in AI models to privacy, security, and social impact issues. 

  3. Data Scientists
    A Data Scientist analyzes data to identify insights, patterns, and trends that can be useful for making business or scientific decisions. They need a wide range of skills, including programming (usually in Python or R), statistics, machine learning, data visualization, and often expertise in the specific domain in which they work. They also need to have strong communication skills to make complex data and analysis understandable to non-experts.

  4. Data Analysts
    A Data Analyst collects data, processes it, and performs statistical analysis to support business or organizational decisions. Compared to Data Scientists, who often use advanced models and algorithms, Data Analysts typically focus more on understanding existing data and providing reports and dashboards.

  5. AI Developers and Engineers
    These experts are responsible for creating and maintaining AI systems. Their work can cover a wide range of tasks, depending on the specific area of AI in which they work (e.g., machine learning, computer vision, speech recognition, etc.). AI Developers and Engineers use a variety of tools and technologies, including programming languages such as Python or Java, frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, and cloud platforms for training AI systems.

  6. Robotics Engineers
    Robotics Engineers specialize in the design and implementation of robotic systems. They work at the intersection of mechanics, electronics, computer science, and other engineering disciplines to develop robots that can perform a variety of tasks in different industries.

  7. Conversational Designers
    Conversational Designers, or dialogue designers, work to design conversational flows and user interactions for speech- or text-based Artificial Intelligence systems. These include chatbots, voice assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant, and other interactive applications that use natural language communication.

  8. Automation Consultants
    An Automation Consultant helps companies make processes more efficient through the use of automation technologies. The role can cover a wide range of tasks, from identifying potential automation targets to implementing and optimizing automation solutions.

  9. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineers
    MLOps Engineers play a critical role in scaling and managing machine learning models in production environments. Their work serves as a bridge between Data Scientists, who develop machine learning models, and operations or DevOps teams, who are responsible for infrastructure and ongoing services.

  10. AI Product Managers
    AI PMs act in the context of developing and implementing AI-driven products or services. Their role differs from that of a traditional product manager in that it requires specific knowledge and skills in AI.

  11. Explainable AI Experts
    „Explainable AI Experts“ spezialisieren sich auf das Verständnis, die Interpretation und die Kommunikation der Funktionsweise von KI- und Machine-Learning-Modellen. Ihre Arbeit ist besonders wichtig, da viele fortschrittliche KI-Modelle als „Black Boxes“ gelten, die zwar leistungsfähig sind, aber deren Entscheidungsprozesse nicht leicht nachvollzogen werden können.

  12. AI Security Experts
    AI Security Experts focus on evaluating, understanding, and improving the security aspects of AI and Machine Learning systems. As AI technologies are increasingly used in critical applications and infrastructures, the role of these experts is of growing importance.

  13. AI Lawyers
    Lawyers specializing in AI and technology focus on the legal aspects relevant to the development, implementation, and use of AI technologies. Because AI is a relatively new and rapidly evolving technology, AI Lawyers often need to break new ground and find innovative legal solutions.

So in many parts of the world, there is definitely a view that Artificial Intelligence will create more jobs overall than it eliminates. According to the World Economic Forum’s latest Future of Jobs study, while most companies surveyed expect AI to cause labor market disruption, they also see jobs shifting to other areas. These newly created positions are expected to more than compensate for the lost jobs, resulting in an overall positive balance in terms of the job situation.

It still seems too early for a clear assessment, but we are optimistic that the positive effects on the labor market will mask any possible negative aspects in the medium term.

Digitization and AI are exciting and promising fields of work. We, too, are always looking for interesting job profiles in order to successfully shape the future for our customers together. Let’s get in touch and have a chat!

About the author

Mathias Herrmann


Mathias Herrmann is an internet entrepreneur going back to the Internet’s early days with a deep interest in digital and future technologies. For over 20 years, he has been helping companies make the most of their data by forging innovative solutions – without forgetting the people behind the data.

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