In the rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are at a crossroads: How do we deal with this powerful technology? Should we restrict it with rigid laws or meet it with a flexible regulatory framework? With this in mind, the European Union (EU) has been working for years on the AI Regulation Act – the world’s first piece of legislation to regulate AI. The AI Act is intended to create rules for risky applications of Artificial Intelligence.

If AI is involved in decisions about people, for example how much unemployment benefit they receive, whether they get a loan or whether their application is eligible for a job, special regulations would apply. The question of what consequences the AI Act will have is still controversial. While many observers are hoping for a “Brussels effect”, whereby other regions and continents would model their regulations on the EU, many experts expect the exact opposite. For example, the British government could look at the AI Act and then draft its own laws, which could be more advantageous for AI companies in key areas. This could then result in a decisive competitive advantage for the UK as a business location.

ALLEHERZEN believes that overly strict regulation can be a hindrance to AI development. Instead, a framework or guidelines should be designed to enable the ethical and responsible use of AI now and in the future. 

The need for guidelines instead of rigid laws 

The dynamic nature of AI technology requires an adaptability that rigid laws cannot provide. AI systems are developing at a pace that makes legal frameworks quickly outdated. What is considered advanced technology today could be outdated tomorrow. A flexible regulatory framework, on the other hand, can adapt to these changes and thus promote innovation instead of hindering it.

Promoting innovation and responsibility 

A flexible framework not only promotes innovation, but also ensures that these innovations comply with ethical and social values. Through guidelines that prescribe ethical principles for the development and application of AI, developers and users can be encouraged to think about the consequences of their work. This creates a culture of responsibility in which not only the technological feasibility but also the social impact is taken into account. 

The importance of self-regulation and industry standards 

Another advantage of a flexible playing field for development is the opportunity for self-regulation within the AI industry. Industry standards and best practices can be developed by professionals who are directly involved in AI development and therefore have a deep understanding of the technology and its challenges. These experts can react quickly to new developments and adapt guidelines to prevent misuse and maintain the integrity of the technology.

The role of education and public discourse 

It should not be forgotten that an appropriate framework for AI also requires an informed public and the active participation of all stakeholders in the discourse on the future of AI. In this context, educational initiatives have the potential to raise awareness of the ethical and social implications of AI and thus promote an informed debate. An open dialog between developers, regulators, civil society and academia will help to build consensus on the principles that should guide the development and application of AI.


The regulation of AI presents us with complex challenges that cannot be overcome with rigid laws. A flexible framework that provides ethical guidelines and the opportunity for self-regulation can promote responsible use of AI without stifling innovation. By involving all relevant parties and promoting an open dialog, we can ensure that AI is used for the benefit of society. It is time to choose a path that not only minimizes the risks, but also harnesses the enormous potential of this technology for the benefit of all. 

Contact us to find out which individual approach to using AI and automation is right for your company.


About the author

Mathias Herrmann


Mathias Herrmann is an internet entrepreneur going back to the Internet’s early days with a deep interest in digital and future technologies. For over 20 years, he has been helping companies make the most of their data by forging innovative solutions – without forgetting the people behind the data.

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