Process optimization and detailed process analysis are important steps on the way to increasing efficiency in companies, as discussed in previous blog posts. But what happens when small adjustments are no longer enough? Sometimes radical business change requires an even more in-depth approach: process re-engineering. This blog post shows how companies can implement transformative change through process re-engineering and the benefits of this approach. We tie in with the topics of efficiency improvement and data integration to illustrate how profound process re-engineering can lead to ground-breaking results. 

What is process re-engineering? 

Process re-engineering (also known as business process re-engineering, BPR) is the radical approach of redesigning business processes from the ground up to achieve significant improvements in performance, quality, cost and speed. In contrast to process optimization, which gradually improves existing processes, re-engineering focuses on a complete realignment. Instead of repairing inefficient processes, re-engineering therefore considers what processes should look like if they were redesigned today. This often involves putting the entire process structure to the test and questioning whether it meets the company’s current and future requirements. The aim is to significantly increase performance by drastically reducing processing times and costs or by improving product and service quality. 

Steps of the re-engineering process 

  1. Target definition and preparation 

    The company must set clear goals and define which results are to be achieved through re-engineering. This can be the drastic reduction of costs, the shortening of throughput times or the improvement of customer satisfaction.

  2. Process analysis 

    Similar to process optimization, re-engineering starts with a comprehensive analysis of the existing processes. It is important to identify the weaknesses and bottlenecks in order to understand why these processes are no longer efficient.

  3. Redesigning the processes 

    Instead of focusing on small improvements, a radical redesign is undertaken here. This means that processes are redesigned from the ground up. An example of this could be the complete automation of a formerly manual process. 

  4. Technological deployment 

    It is often the introduction of new technologies that paves the way for re-engineering. AI, cloud-based solutions, automation and big data play a crucial role here.

  5. Implementation 

    Once the processes have been redesigned, they need to be introduced in the company. This often requires a restructuring of the organization, employee training and the use of new IT infrastructures.

  6. Monitoring and adaptation 

    After implementation, it is important to continuously monitor the results and adapt the processes if necessary. Changes in the market situation or technological developments may mean that processes need to be optimized on an ongoing basis.

Success factors in the re-engineering process 

  • Re-engineering requires far-reaching changes that often provoke resistance. It is therefore essential that top management supports the process and actively drives it forward. 
  • Transparent communication with employees about the goals, reasons and benefits of the re-engineering process is crucial to alleviate fears and gain support. 
  • Employees who are directly involved in the processes should be involved in the re-engineering process at an early stage. Their feedback and experience are valuable for the successful redesign of processes. 
  • The focus should always be on the customer. This means that the redesigned processes should aim to improve the customer experience and exceed expectations. 

How to overcome the top 3 challenges in process re-engineering  

Inadequate technological infrastructure 

The challenge: 

For many organizations, existing technology infrastructure is a barrier to implementing re-engineering initiatives. Outdated systems are often unable to support the new, radically redesigned processes. This can slow down or even prevent process re-engineering. 

The solution:

It is important to review the technological foundations at an early stage and modernize them if necessary. To do this, a comprehensive IT assessment should be carried out to ensure that the infrastructure is suitable for future requirements. Cloud technologies, modular ERP systems and flexible IT architectures provide the flexibility required for re-engineering. Companies should also ensure that they have the necessary IT expertise or seek external support to overcome the technological challenges. 

Complexity and risk

The challenge:

Process re-engineering is complex and carries significant risk, especially in large organizations with many interdependent processes. Radical change can therefore have unforeseen consequences that affect other parts of the company. There is also a risk that the redesigned processes will not bring the hoped-for improvements. 

The solution:

A structured and methodical approach is crucial to mastering complexity. Risks should be clearly identified and assessed before starting the re-engineering process. Risk can be reduced through the use of pilot projects and phased implementations. It is also important to continuously collect feedback throughout the process and be prepared to make adjustments. Companies should take a flexible approach that allows them to respond to unexpected challenges and course-correct as needed. 

Lack of integration with existing processes

The challenge:

Radical changes through re-engineering can conflict with existing processes or systems. This leads to challenges in integrating the redesigned processes into the existing company structure. This is particularly critical in areas such as data integration and IT systems. 

The solution:

Careful planning and step-by-step integration is required to overcome these challenges. Companies should ensure that the newly designed processes harmonize well with the existing systems and processes. The use of modern interfaces and integration platforms, such as APIs or middleware, can help to ensure compatibility. In addition, IT teams should work closely with the business units to ensure smooth integration. 


Process re-engineering brings transformative benefits to organizations, but requires careful planning, comprehensive communication and a clear strategy to overcome the challenges. With a methodical approach, strong leadership and the use of modern technology, companies can not only dramatically increase efficiency, but also create new, innovative ways to create value. Companies that are prepared to face up to these radical changes can actively shape the future and secure their long-term competitiveness. 

Our experts are on hand to help you develop the right strategies and implement sustainable improvements. Contact us now for a no-obligation consultation and take the first step towards a successful, future-proof realignment of your business processes!

About the author

Mathias Herrmann


Mathias Herrmann is an internet entrepreneur going back to the Internet’s early days with a deep interest in digital and future technologies. For over 20 years, he has been helping companies make the most of their data by forging innovative solutions – without forgetting the people behind the data.

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