First comes the housekeeping, then the innovation

Innovation is the key to the long-term success of companies. However, before organisations invest in breakthrough innovations, they must first do their homework, particularly in the area of digitalisation. This article therefore sheds light on the importance of housekeeping in the digital sphere and how companies can strengthen their ability to innovate by optimising their processes and integrating data.


The importance of Artificial Intelligence for creativity and innovation

In our last blog post, we looked at the extent to which Artificial Intelligence can be used to create content for election campaigns. But are these results really creative or can AI produce real innovations at all? The following blog post examines the capabilities of AI in the field of creativity, identifies its limitations and shows how it can support humans in creative processes.


A balancing act between progress and skepticism 

Technology is currently crossing new boundaries in ever shorter cycles. This presents our society with a complex dilemma. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2024, a comprehensive study based on online interviews with a broad global participant base, we are at a crucial point where our trust in innovation and its players is at stake. The results of the study shed light on the central role of trust in the introduction of new technologies and how this trust is currently being put to the test. This also and especially applies to Artificial Intelligence (AI). 


These are the advantages of using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time. From quick suggestions in search engines and controlling auto-focus in smartphones to cruise control in vehicles, AI is becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. Below, we present the 10 most notable benefits of Artificial Intelligence.


What’s the AI hype all about and will robots soon replace us?

Whenever I think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the disturbingly emotionless voice of HAL 9000, the Artificial Intelligence from Stanley Kubrick's visionary masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey," comes to mind. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. However, we should not allow ourselves to be guided by irrational fears when dealing with this topic. Only realistic assessments of opportunities and risks will take us forward. So what is the current state of development in AI and what impact will digitalization really have on the world of work in the coming years? Let's dare to take a look into the crystal ball together!


Time for a coffee?

We always take time to get to know each other personally. Gladly with a good cup of coffee in our office or the new Projectspace in Wiesbaden. No time to lose or not in the area right now? Absolutely no problem.

Of course we are also happy to arrange a first phone call or a video call to talk about specific challenges.

An initial consultation is always free of charge.

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