Transformative change through process re-engineering

Process optimization and detailed process analysis are important steps on the way to increasing efficiency in companies, as discussed in previous blog posts. But what happens when small adjustments are no longer enough? Sometimes radical business change requires an even more in-depth approach: process re-engineering. This blog post shows how companies can implement transformative change through process re-engineering and the benefits of this approach. We tie in with the topics of efficiency improvement and data integration to illustrate how profound process re-engineering can lead to ground-breaking results. 


Increasing efficiency through detailed process analysis 

Efficiency is a crucial building block when it comes to doing your homework in terms of innovation capability. Companies that continuously analyse and optimise their processes can therefore make better use of their resources and reduce costs. Detailed process analysis is the key to these improvements. This blog post therefore looks at how companies can achieve significant efficiency gains by systematically analysing their processes, following on from the topics of process optimisation and data integration discussed in the previous post.


Reality check: Optimised processes and data integration for successful innovations 

So-called leap innovations divide our world into a before and an after. They form the basis for a society's prosperity. The latest innovation of this kind from Germany is the MRNA vaccine from Biontech. Artificial Intelligence will also produce many leap innovations. But true innovation is no coincidence - it requires careful preparation. Sustainable innovation is hardly possible without optimised processes and seamless data integration. This article therefore explains why companies need to do their homework in these areas in order to create something truly new.


First comes the housekeeping, then the innovation

Innovation is the key to the long-term success of companies. However, before organisations invest in breakthrough innovations, they must first do their homework, particularly in the area of digitalisation. This article therefore sheds light on the importance of housekeeping in the digital sphere and how companies can strengthen their ability to innovate by optimising their processes and integrating data.


A balancing act between progress and skepticism 

Technology is currently crossing new boundaries in ever shorter cycles. This presents our society with a complex dilemma. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2024, a comprehensive study based on online interviews with a broad global participant base, we are at a crucial point where our trust in innovation and its players is at stake. The results of the study shed light on the central role of trust in the introduction of new technologies and how this trust is currently being put to the test. This also and especially applies to Artificial Intelligence (AI). 


From chatbots to speech recognition: AI as a game changer in customer service

In our fast-paced and digitally connected world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in customer service. From automated chatbots to sophisticated speech recognition systems, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way companies interact with their customers. In this blog post, we therefore take a look at current trends, successful application examples, challenges and future developments in the field of AI in customer service.


2024: At the crossroads of a revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly central role in the constant flow of technological evolution. In Germany, around twelve percent of companies use AI, as the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) recently reported based on data for 2023. The use of AI is significantly more widespread in large companies with more than 250 employees than in smaller companies. Around 35% of large companies use AI technologies, compared to 16% of medium-sized companies with 50 to 249 employees and 10% of small companies with ten to 49 employees. The year 2024 therefore promises to bring exciting innovations and changes for almost all company sizes and industries. This blog post therefore highlights the trends and developments in the AI sector that will fundamentally change not only the IT industry, but also the way we work and live.


The CDO is at the heart of every forward-looking company

The position of Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is still new or non-existent in many organizations. As a result, there is often uncertainty around the assignment of responsibilities. The reporting lines and the differentiation from more established functions such as the CIO or CTO also often prove difficult. In this article, we therefore take a closer look at the role of the CDO and give you tips for the ideal location in your company.


Why we need agile products and services now to survive in the markets of the future

If we want to talk about agility, we should first clarify what agility actually means. The term was decisively coined by the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development" in 2001. What was initially limited to the area of software development has since gained weight beyond that. Agility is on everyone's lips today, and in the following we want to take a look at how we can make products and services fit for the coming years.


Why digitalization doesn’t really exist

Digitalization, also known as digital transformation, seems to hover over companies in Germany like a specter. Many managers feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the topic and would prefer to close their eyes to it. As a result, they are currently often hesitant to either continue with digitalization or even begin it at all. In addition to the budget and time factors and a lack of will to change, incorrect prioritization is the biggest inhibitor to operational modernization. According to a Bitkom study, every third company wants to cut back on investments in digitalization this year. But that would definitely be the wrong way to go. Instead, we should deal with the topic more intensively in order to take away its horror. That's what we're doing in this article. 


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